Saturday, November 12, 2005

A song comes to mind - hmm?

Young man.....

Zul'Goober at the ready

Despite Adnar's sheer ferocity and badassness, the Gathering failed to defeat Thekal and his kitties once again. Thekal was put on hold after several attempts and will be conquered tonight. See you at 6:30!

Dire Maul trip succeeds after a slow start

Don't you hate it when this happens? You activate your ultrasafe transporter: Gadgetzan and end up looking like some warrior on a good day. Luckily, the effects wore off soon enough and I was off to the Dire Maul to help Raynia put her days of Kmart water behind her.

However, after Adnar arrived at the Dire Maul a certain ogre took an exception to the fact that I was there.

Did I mention Raynia met a different ogre?

Nothing but smooth sailing after this. Alzzin and his minions were smited with due haste. Congrats to all involved.


Doesn't look good, aye? Adnar successfully put an end to Thermaplugg's tyranical rule in Gnomeregan yesterday, but it may take some time before the Gnomes that once lived here feel safe enough to return. Audie, Cognobbit, Vaaling, and Clacksocket, please return to your homes. There is nothing to be afraid of anymore. (no really - would I lie to you?)

I am the Lizard King

Members of the Gathering took down sissy snake dude on Tuesday. Adnar cut off his head and made himself king for a day! Zul'Goober beware! The Fallen Circle and the Gathering is after you.

Night Elf bath time

Pictured are 3 up and coming Night Elfs. Shiningstar, Riversong, and Callon took down Vilehoof who had taken possession of a secluded moonwell in SW Teldrassil. The local furbolg menace was dealt with the same night, but darn if their rampant breeding doesn't have them back to their pre-whoopassing levels.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Blackwing, here I come!

In my continuing effort to smite evil in all its forms, Adnar was attuned to Blackwing Lair on Monday night. Nefarian and his minions will rue the day I was branded with their evil mark. For Kaz Modan! Charge!

4 nerds

What can I say? 4 nerds in the queue with nothing to do.

Perfect 10!

In a perfectly executed extraction from Zul'Goober 3 paladins Weezel, Cirumsus, and yours truly, successfully bubblehearthed out at the exact time. What was more amazing and garners the 10 rating is that all 3 did it with no knowledge of the other's intentions.

*let it be know to all that the paladin known as Elygran had bubblehearthed earlier during a raid wipe. Jeez mon!

The Gathering takes on Zul'Goober

Heroes of the Alliance traveled to the jungles of Stranglethorn Vale this weekend and defeated several of Hakkar's High Priests. This intrepid group of adventurers plans on assisting the Zandalar tribe in the future and destroying the evil that is the Soulflayer. Visit the Gathering to learn how you can help.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

It's a living

Hello. I am Fezzik Helmshield, brother to a dwarf ya may have already met. Adnar is me older kin and I be following his adventurin' ways just like any other Helmshield that be comin' of age. On me first trip to Stormwind I met a gnome in the Deeprun Tram. He gave me a job and I am now the DRT rat catcher. Come an' see me some time. I be happy to meet cha'.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Alexi Barov is dead

Attention! Attention! Today at the Bulwark 5 adventures found the vile retch Alexi Barov, killed him and returned to Weldon Barov at Chilwind Point. The hunter Rokth, mage Yasmeeni, night elf Aeina, Sindross the noble warrior, and Adnar all secured the future safety of Weldon and struck a blow to the evil that is the Horde!

* that Weldon didn't have a clue

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Remeber, only you can set Plaguewood fires

Citizens of the Eastern Kingdoms please go back about your business. Adnar Helmshield destroyed 8 ziggurats in Plaguewood to increase safety in the area. The structures in question we set ablaze while serving as an agent for the Argent Dawn.

*Subsequent reconesence revealed these structures were repaired. Do you part and join the Argent Dawn to smite evil in the Plaguelands.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Parchment through the Dark Portal

Silver Hand citizens, I have recieved an object that has come from the other side of the Dark Portal. Who are these humans? What are they doing and where can I get a snowmaster 9000 that big?

* submitted by dreadmist man on this thread

Fallen Circle formed

On a day that will be long remembered throughout the ages, Fallen Circle guild was formed on Hallow's End Eve in Stormwind. 5 council members will lead this new venture. All involved pledged to have fun while adventuring in the World of Warcraft.

Most involved then retired to local inns and hit the mead hard and bought lottery tickets.

Onyxia is no more

While in Stormwind on Hallow's End Eve, Oxyxia's head was hung at the Gates of Stormwind. All hail the Alliance!