Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Don't chew you know who I am?

Today we start a new series. A monumental series. A series to rival anything that has happened in Azeroth to date. A task worthy of someone who has no life and has extra time on his hands. I, Adnar Helmshield, will help introduce you to the wild and crazy girls and guys that make up the Gathering. What expose wouldn't start out interviewing our head Meat Puppet Huntarr? This heavy hitting human of high health and humor keeps this ragtag band of raiders laughing wherever we go. First in and first down is how I like to think of Huntarr. A true Juggernaut in every sense of the word. When asked how he felt about being the first Gathering member to be interviewed for Silverhand WoWGeek his response was, "Don't chew you who I am?" We do now, Huntarr. Go in peace.

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